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The (wasm vm)
module provides a virtual machine for
interpreting Wasm functions. To use the interpreter, a Wasm module is
first validated for type safety (among other things) and then
instantiated, at which point exported functions become callable from
The interpreter only accepts validated Wasm. The validate-wasm
procedure validates and wraps a Wasm module to indicate successful
(use-modules (wasm vm) (wasm resolve)) (define validated-wasm (validate-wasm (wat->wasm '(module (func (export "main") (result i32) (i32.const 42))))))
When starting with a Wasm binary, the convenient
procedure parses the binary and then
performs validation:
(call-with-input-file "hello.wasm" load-and-validate-wasm)
Once the Wasm module has been validated, the runtime data needed for interpretation can be created by instantiating the module:
(define instance (instantiate-wasm validated-wasm))
Exported Wasm functions then become usable as Scheme procedures:
(define wasm-main (wasm-instance-export-ref instance "main")) (wasm-main) ;; => 42
Wasm functions are statically typed, which means that calls from Scheme to Wasm require runtime type checking for each call.
Validate the Wasm module wasm and return a validated Wasm object.
Load and validate the Wasm module within obj then return a
validated Wasm object. obj may be a <wasm>
record as
produced by resolve-wasm
(see Resolver), a bytevector
containing a Wasm binary, or an input port from which to read a Wasm
Return #t
if obj is a validated Wasm object.
Unbox and return the Wasm module within validated-wasm.
Return a new Wasm instance for the validated Wasm module wasm.
imports is a nested association list of imported functions, globals, memories, and tables. Wasm imports are identified by a module name and an object name. Consider the following Wasm module that computes 2D polar coordinates and prints them to a log:
(use-modules (wasm resolve) (wasm vm) (wasm wat)) (define the-module (resolve-wasm (wat->wasm '(module (func $logf64 (import "debug" "logf64") (param f64)) (func $cos (import "math" "cos") (param f64) (result f64)) (func $sin (import "math" "sin") (param f64) (result f64)) (func (export "polar") (param $r f64) (param $theta f64) (call $logf64 (f64.mul (local.get $r) (call $cos (local.get $theta)))) (call $logf64 (f64.mul (local.get $r) (call $sin (local.get $theta)))))))))
This module requires three imported functions from two modules. Thus the module instantiation code would look like this:
(define (logf64 x) (format #t "f64: ~a\n" x)) (define the-instance (instantiate-wasm (validate-wasm the-module) #:imports `(("debug" . (("logf64" . ,logf64))) ("math" . (("cos" . ,cos) ("sin" . ,sin))))))
Return a new Wasm global containing value. When mutable?
is #f
, the value cannot be modified later.
Return #t
if obj is a Wasm global.
Return the current value within global.
Set the value within global to val. An exception is raised if global is immutable.
Return #t
if global is mutable.
Return a new Wasm linear memory containing size 64KiB pages. limits determines the lower and upper bounds of how many pages this memory can store. The default limits are a minimum of 1 page and no maximum page limit. See Data types for more information on limit objects.
Return #t
if obj is a Wasm memory.
Return the current bytevector representing the pages of memory.
Return the size of memory in 64KiB pages.
Return the limits of memory
Increase the size of memory by n pages. An exception is raised if growing by n exceeds the limits of memory.
Return a new Wasm reference table containing size element slots. limits determines the lower and upper bounds of how many elements this table can store. The default limits are a minimum of 1 element and no maximum element limit. See Data types for more information on limit objects.
Return #t
if obj is a Wasm table.
Return the size of table.
Return the reference at the ith index in table.
Set the ith element of table to x, a Wasm reference type.
Fill the elements of table from start to start + length, exclusive, with the value fill.
Copy the block of elements from vector elems, from start to start + length, exclusive, to table, starting at at.
Increase the size of table by n elements. An exception is raised if growing by n exceeds the limits of table.
Every Wasm instruction evaluated by interpreter can be observed via
the current-instruction-listener
parameter. Use this hook to
instrument Wasm modules.
The following instruction listener would print every instruction’s name on a separate line:
(define (log-instr instr path instance stack blocks locals) (display (car instr)) (newline)) (parameterize ((current-instruction-listener log-instr)) ...)
The current instruction observation hook which is invoked before each instruction evaluation. Must be a procedure that accepts the following arguments:
The Wasm value stack is a special data type with the following API:
Return #t
if obj is a Wasm value stack.
Return the values on stack as a list.
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